Thailand Standard Hotels Directory 2008

Know for a complete range of facilities and amenities, as well as exceptional hospitality, the Thai hotel business has risen to have a role of major significance in our country's tourism industry. This has been further accentuated by initiating the necessary strategies that would create a positive image of Thailand to travellers and business people all around the world.

With this in mind and in wishing to have the hotel and resort industry recognized at the international level, the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT), in conjunction with the Foundation for Standard and /human Resource Development in the Hospitality Industry (Hotel Standard), the Thai Hotels Association (THA), the Association of Thai Travel Agents (ATTA), and relevant educations, has implemented the Project to Establish the Thailand Hotels Standard.

This is aimed at developing the hospitality and tourism industry, as well as human resources within the hotel business to meet the internationally set standards. This initiative is also being further promoted in the Hotel Directory 2007-2008 that has been published for the benefit of key stakeholders and the general traveling public.

Therefore, on behalf of the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT), I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to hotels, resorts, and the relevant public and private agencies for not only participating in the aforesaid project, but also for their continuous endeavors that in tum further promotes Thailand’s tourism industry to the global arena.

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